En ilginç bilimsel deneyler
#1 Magnetic levitation
#2 Quantum Levitation
#3 Levitating magnet cube
#4 This is what happens if you put out a great
#5Rubidium, water and indicator
#6 Pharaoh's snake
#7 grow silver crystals
#8 Giant Gummy Bear Fireball
#9 Make lodine from Sulfiric acid and Alkali
#10 Flame test using methanol
#11 Flammenfarbe von Borsauretrimethyleste...
#12 Fireflies in an erlenmeyer
#13 3D Lichtenberg figures
#14 Liquid nitrogen into a swimming pool
#15 Levitatsionnaya plavka
8 yıl 10 ay önce eklendi